Susan is on retreat in
Kohler, WI, celebrating 20+ years of friendship with
Scottie, and I have been
asked to tell you about our crazy bicycle ride in a hail storm.
(Ok -- it wasn't a hail storm.)
Last weekend, we were determined not to go to the gym. How determined? Well, temperatures had plummeted since the record-setting highs we enjoyed during Shelley and Natalie's visit, but when we awoke last Saturday morning we found ourselves basking in fabulous sunlight. Yes! In spite of seemingly unending forecasts of clouds and rain, we had sun! It was still only 30-some degrees, but we had sun! We could ride our bikes today instead of using the dreaded cardio machines at the gym.
So, we had our coffee. Ate breakfast. Read the paper. Put on our gear.
Um hmm. By the time we were ready, it was cloudy. But just cloudy. Neither of us fear rain, so off we went. We rode toward
Tenney Park, excited to see that the Yahara River Parkway path, which will go all the way from Lake Monona to Lake Mendota with underpasses at major roads, has almost been completed. Amazing to think that we had not yet made it to Tenney Park,
just on the other side of the isthmus from our home! (I'm telling you, it is amazing how much there is to do here!)

Of course, as we made our way out to
the lock, it started to rain. As we proceeded out to the lake, and got excited about all of the water fowl near the shore (more
buffleheads*!), it began to pour, and the wind was gusting, I dunno, maybe 30 or 40 mph.
Now, here's where I'm supposed tell you how we proceeded on our ride without hesitation. Except we didn't. I biked myself to shelter, Susan good enough to follow, though of course she had to take a few photos on the way. That's my girl!
So, out of the wind for a minute or two, a bit warmer, we shoved off, on our way, determined to get to
State St. for shopping (gifts, yea!) and Chipotle (a shared guilty pleasure in this land of few chain stores).

Perhaps it was the promise of Chipotle that inspired us. But we rode back across the isthmus, short-cutted up Monona Terrace (again, a minute in the bicycle-friendly elevator to warm up...), out toward the capitol. Down the other side, toward State St. Still pouring, harder wind!
But yes! We made it. Bought our gifts. Ate our burritos in warmth, and rode back home, with a story to tell.
* bufflehead ducks are cool... they dive completely under water, and pop up several feet away!