Tuesday, January 09, 2007


In a post about my new job a few weeks ago, I said I expected that my new company would "like most IT startups, either fail or be bought out by a larger company." Well, sure enough... I've been in limbo for a couple of weeks until it was official and I could tell people, but we did indeed get acquired. (Scottie: call me!)

My job appears to be safe -- I take nothing for granted, but there is very little overlap with the parent company (still small, 150 to our 50 people), so the biggest change should be that I'll have a new boss and we'll be headquartered in Chicago (2.5 hours away) instead of Madison. I have been to the new HQ once already for planning meetings, and will go again for the annual company meeting later this month, but hope not to have to venture to the big city too often!

So, 8 weeks into trying to learn my new environment, I am tasked with integrating a whole new set of services and people into it. I will be very busy for a while, but ultimately the organization and other resources the new company brings could make my job a bit easier. And I have far fewer concerns about the funding of the new company (which is, like the other, still a venture-capital-backed startup), because it has been extremely successful in its own niche of providing PCI services.

Oh, and they offer domestic partner benefits if Wisconsin's new constitutional amendment in defense of the sacred institution of marriage doesn't invalidate them...

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