Sunday, November 26, 2006

A happy Thanksgiving

Susan and I spent Thanksgiving with our friends Scottie and Jim and their daughters Casey and Sammy. They live in Wauwatosa (a Milwaukee suburb affectionately known as 'Tosa). Having Scottie and Jim nearby is one of the things that made us feel more comfortable about uprooting ourselves from DC and moving to Wisconsin!

After feasting on a fabulous meal of traditional T'day fare, we went for a very nice walk which included a hike through the woods which our dog Indy particularly enjoyed! Then back home for more food, good coffee, and relaxation... ahhhh.

If you have a Flickr account and I've added you as a friend or family, you can see more pictures here. If you don't have an account, you can create one and invite me to be a contact (I can help, just ask!).

Over dinner, I had so much emotion over everything I have to be thankful for that I couldn't put it into words. A wonderful partner to share (truly share) my life with. Good health, good friends, good job. A nice home in a great community. Susan's dad's successful liver transplant and the family and friends that pulled together to help Terry and Lora through the recovery period. Sister Kate newly starting grad school and continuing to be supermom to Colin. Brother Terry also in school, oh and teaching and coaching high school students and caring for his son Braden. My stepfather reconnecting with me after 15 years of estrangement.

Yeah, I'm lucky. Lucky... or something. But definitely grateful, every day.

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