Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Strict Vegan Ethics, Frosted With Hedonism - New York Times

Mother Fools, my favorite Madison coffee house, serves exclusively vegan food (for drink, they offer cow's milk, but soy milk is no extra charge). Their cupcakes look insanely great, but it's Jennie Capellaro's soups and the East Side Ovens cookies that I really love. Susan sipped a cup of their dill dahl on her way to class this very evening, but the tortilla soup is our favorite ("are you sure there's no cheese in there?")!

All that is to say: here's an article for you about vegan punk bakers; I am amazed that they don't live in Madison.

Strict Vegan Ethics, Frosted With Hedonism - New York Times

1 comment:

Cant Sit Still said...

GREAT article honey!

The pics on the bakery site are not very yummy, however. Too bad, as it is great vegan baked stuff.